"Tokyo Ghoul" is a Japanese manga work by Sui Ishida! The abbreviation is "TG"! After being serialized in "Weekly Young Jump" (Shueisha) from the 41st issue of 2011 to the 42nd issue of 2014 as the debut work of Professor Ishida, the new edition "Tokyo Ghoul: re" (Tokyo Ghoul Re) will be released. It was serialized from the 46th issue of 2014 to the 31st issue of 2018!Introducing an unofficial and unofficial quiz app!Various quizzes such as characters, stories, trivia, movie information, anime, manga, authors, etc. will be given from a wide range![Quiz included in the app]Ken KanekiSasaki YesGhoulAnteikuTouka KirishimaYoshimura KouzenRenji YomoNishio NishikiHinami FueguchiKoma EnjiIrimi KayaPersons involved in the Gassan conglomerate (Gassan family)Shu TsukiyamaTsukiyama Kanbo (Tsukiyama Miromo)MatsumaeKanae-von RosewaldBanjo gangBanjo KazuichiIchimi, Giro, SanteFormer Aogiri treeIdera ShoseiHooguroMowing Miza (Kusakari Miza)"20th arrondissement" food speciesToshiyo KamishiroFlute mouth Ryoko (Fueguchi Ryoko)Aogiri treeTataraEtoNoroAyato KirishimaBottle brothersShachiMowing Miza (Kusakari Miza)Gecko familyGeckoNakiGagi, GugeIdera ShoseiHooguroIt is a very popular work that has been animated and broadcast on the radio.Challenge as soon as you watch the anime!Quiz will be added from time to time so stay tuned!